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Team members
Click on one of our team members below to make a donation.
Alex Philipps
Raised: $0.00
Amanda McCollum
Raised: $0.00
Angie Carrier
Raised: $0.00
Brandon Roland
Raised: $0.00
Team captain
Cindy Mastrofrancesco
Raised: $0.00
Crysti Horne
Raised: $0.00
Denise Campbell
Raised: $0.00
elvira singleton
Raised: $0.00
Jeanice Longo
Raised: $0.00
Jeremy Mastrofrancesco
Raised: $0.00
Justin Brown
Raised: $0.00
Kelly Albert
Raised: $0.00
Kelsey Merrill
Raised: $0.00
Marcie Roland
Raised: $0.00
MaryKate Hissong
Raised: $0.00
Mya Moorhead
Raised: $0.00
Phillip Hughes
Raised: $0.00